Collaborative in Action
DC Hospitals Improve State Rankings for Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) Measures
DCHA Elevates Quality Programs and Improves Patient Safety by Leveraging Subject Matter Experts from Across Member Hospitals
DCHA members created the Quality Collaborative (QC) in the last quarter of 2017 to support District of Columbia (DC) hospitals in their collective pursuit to become recognized leaders in high quality, safe and innovative patient care. The QC includes a Core Committee and Workgroup structure to identify best practices and facilitate performance improvement activities. The workgroups include physician leaders, chief nursing officers, and subject matter experts on infectious disease/infection prevention, emergency management, and care coordination.
The QC is proud to announce that through the leadership and collaboration of the Infectious Disease/ Infection Prevention (IDIP) Committee, DC hospital state rankings have improved significantly for three healthcare-associated infection (HAI) measures.
According to the Quality Program Measures Trend Analysis Report, DC most recently received the following rankings out of 51 states: CLABSI: 25th in the nation; MRSA: 22nd in the nation; and, C. diff: 19th in the nation. The graph below depicts the significant progress made since 2017.