Nurses: Get Involved

ONE-DC is a non-profit organization consisting of nurse leaders and nurses aspiring to be leaders. This includes nurses from all settings and specialties, who hold positions as nurse executives, administrators, nurse managers, nurse educators, nursing quality managers, nursing staff leaders and researchers from across the District of Columbia. The organization addresses the nursing workforce, administration, education, evidence-based practice, research, health policy, and professional practice issues.

The mission of ONE-DC is to strengthen and promote nursing leadership and networking, to advance and advocate for the Nursing profession and to drive positive health outcomes for patients, staff, and the community.

The vision of ONE-DC is to shape the future of nursing and health care for the District of Columbia through innovative leadership, evidence-based practice, and education.

ONE-DC is a non-profit organization consisting of nurse leaders and nurses aspiring to be leaders. This includes nurses from all settings and specialties, who hold positions as nurse executives, administrators, nurse managers, nurse educators, nursing quality managers, nursing staff leaders and researchers from across the District of Columbia. The organization addresses the nursing workforce, nursing wellness and resiliency, administration, education, evidence-based practice, research, health policy, and professional practice issues.

ONE-DC Officers:

Denise Boehm – President
CNO at Washington DC VA Medical Center

Laura Hendricks-Jackson – Treasurer
CNO at Sibley Memorial Hospital

Hazel Darisse – Secretary
Assistant CNO at George Washington University Hospital

Jennifer Hirt, MPA
Senior Director, Communications & Member Engagement
District of Columbia Hospital Association
1152 15th Street NW | Suite 900
Washington, DC 20005
202-682-1584 |

© 2025. District of Columbia Hospital Association.