GW Healing Clinic Serves the Community


The GW Healing Clinic has strived to help expand access to health care for the vulnerable residents of Washington, D.C., regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. Student volunteers provide comprehensive primary care and social services to underserved patients. Every Tuesday evening, a team of dedicated medical students, physician assistant students, public health students, and volunteer attending physicians staff the exam rooms and lab and provide health education for patients. Just before and right after clinic hours, the students participate in structured peer-to-peer educational sessions with the aim of teaching each other about the etiology, pathogenesis, treatment, and psychosocial factors of the diagnoses that are common among our patient population.


April 2024 Utilization Report

Hoogtepunten: April utilization metrics show a somewhat consistent steady pattern compared to last month: observation and acute care admissions remained steady at 1% over baseline and 13% below baseline respectively from March 2024 to April 2024. Other metrics present a slight decline in volumes: emergency department visits went from -22% to -23% below baseline, and ambulatory surgeries declined from 5% to 4% above baseline. Psychiatric admissions is the only metric with a slightly more pronounced decline in volumes going from -15% below baseline in March to -21% this month as shown in Fig. 1.



Although specialty admissions depicted in Fig. 2 have consistently remained over the median in the past four months, this month they show a generalized decline in volumes bringing them slightly below the median. Involuntary admissions show a similar pattern this month with declining volumes as shown in Fig. 3.



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PIW Provides Innovative Suicide Prevention and Care

Action Alliance Partnership

The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention (Action Alliance), a public-private partnership, has partnered with Psychiatric Institute of Washington, to strengthen the country’s clinical capacity to provide innovative suicide prevention and care. The partnership significantly advances one of the central priorities of the Action Alliance—to transform health systems and reduce suicides—and marks Psychiatric Institute of Washington’s commitment to be at the leading edge of the transformation. As a proud supporter of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, Psychiatric Institute of Washington provides education and resources to the communities we serve.


Participants Walked 33,359,395 Steps in the Walk to Wellness Step Challenge

Every Step Counted: 33,359,395

Congratulations to those who completed the Healthy Hospital Initiative Walk to Wellness Step Challenge. Collectively, participants walked 33,359,395 steps. Your dedication, perseverance, and commitment to health and wellness have truly paid off. Every step you took brought you closer to your goals and your achievement is a source of pride. Thank you again for participating and inspiring others to embrace an active lifestyle for long term wellness. Keep up the great work and continue to make strides towards a healthier and happier you. Although the step challenge has come to an end, continue to take steps to be active during the summer months. Stay hydrated and wear sun protection while you spend time outside.

See the Winners

March 2024 Utilization Report

Hoogtepunten: All focus utilization metrics portrayed in Fig. 1 saw an increase in volumes this month. Acute care admissions increased from -16% below pre-COVID baselines in February to -13% in March; ED visits went from -28% to -22% below baseline; and psychiatric admission saw their highest volumes in the past 15 months going from -23% to -15% below baselines. Observation admissions and ambulatory surgery show a recovery to pre-COVID levels going from 0% to 1% and 2% to 5% over baseline respectively.



Specialty admissions depicted in Fig. 2 have consistently remained over the median for the fourth month. We also note that they saw their highest volume this month in the past 15-month period as depicted in Table 4 of the report. Conversely, newborn admissions remained under the median over the past four months as shown in Fig. 3.


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Hospitals Are Cornerstones in Their Communities

There are more than 5,000 community hospitals in the U.S. The care they provide for patients is critical and often extends beyond the four walls of the hospital and into the community. As a result, community hospitals provide 24/7 access to needed medical care, support unmet community health needs and serve as economic pillars in their community.



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Register Now for the Opioid Response Symposium

The Opioid Response Symposium will feature sessions on opioid data trends in the District, compassionate and equitable care for pregnant and postpartum patients, MOUD in the hospital setting and more.

Details & Registration

Washington VA Medical Center Supports Health & Well-Being With Whole Health Program


VA Whole Health is a cutting-edge approach to care that supports your health and well-being. Whole Health centers around what matters to you, not what is the matter with you. This means your health team will get to know you as a person, before working with you to develop a personalized health plan based on your values, needs, and goals. All veterans are welcome and encouraged to participate in the program.

Taking Charge of My Life and Health

Participants in the Introduction to Whole Health Orientation session are invited to join an 8-week Taking Charge of My Life and Health group course. This multi-week session provides an opportunity for more self-exploration, self-care, and goal creation around what really matters to the Veteran. Through these Whole Health offerings, veterans explore their new missions, delve into each aspect of the Whole Health circle, and begin to create an overarching personal health plan.

Whole Health Coaching

Whole Health Coaches work with veterans one-on-one and in group settings to empower the Veteran to develop and achieve self-determined goals related to health and wellness. Coaches support veterans in mobilizing internal strengths and external resources, and in developing self-management strategies for making sustainable, healthy lifestyle, behavior changes. As partners and facilitators, coaches support Veterans in achieving health goals and behavioral goals, while collaborating with the Veteran’s healthcare team. Coaches assist veterans to use their insight, personal strengths and resources, goal setting, action steps and accountability toward whole health changes.

Well Being Programs & Resources

Components of Proactive Health and Well-Being

The Components of Proactive Health and Well-Being picture  (below) will help you think about your whole health. All of the areas in the circle are important. They are all connected. Improving one area can benefit other areas in your life and influence your overall physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being. The human body and mind have tremendous healing abilities and we can strengthen these healing abilities.

The inner circle represents you, your values and what really matters to you. Being in a state of mindful awareness helps you see what matters to you. The next circle is your self-care. These are the circumstances and choices you make in your everyday life. The next ring represents professional care you receive. Professional care may include tests, medications, supplements, surgeries, examinations, treatments, and counseling. This also includes complementary approaches such as acupuncture and mind-body therapies. The outer ring represents the people and groups to whom you are connected.

The Circle of Health

The Circle of Health illustrates the big picture connections between your health and other aspects of your life. Whole health opens the door to discuss not only your health conditions, but the things that impact your well-being.

This is a Whole Health circle of health logo.


The innermost circle represents each of us as unique individuals. We start at the middle saying, “I am the expert on my life, values, goals, and priorities. Only I can know WHY I want my health. Only I can know what really matters to ME. And this knowledge needs to be what drives my health and my health care. I am the most important person when it comes to making choices that influence my health and well-being. I am the leader of my team, and my medical team professionals are some of the invited players.”

Mindful Awareness

Mindfulness is being fully aware, or paying attention. Sometimes, we go through our daily lives on autopilot. We are not fully aware of the present. We often dwell on the past and plan events in the future. We do not spend much time really paying attention and noticing what is happening right now; without judging or trying to fix it. Your body and mind send you signals constantly. If your attention is elsewhere, you don’t notice. Then, the signals that began as whispers become loud warnings. For example, when you miss the whispers of an early discomfort or a sad feeling, you miss the opportunity to make a change before it grows into real pain or depression. Being mindful, or aware, allows you to make conscious proactive choices about every aspect of your health. Mindfulness connects you to each component of your well-being, and to your whole self.

The Eight Areas of Self-Care

Self-care is often the most important factor in living a healthy life, which in turn allows you to live your life fully, in the ways that matter to you. Self-care includes all the choices you make on a daily basis that affect your physical, mental, and spiritual health. In fact, how you take care of yourself will have a greater impact on your health and well-being than the medical care you receive. Evidence shows that each of these eight areas of self-care contributes a great deal to your overall health and well-being. They can also affect your chances for developing diseases as well as the seriousness of that disease. Consider your values, lifestyle, habits, and motivations in each area. Taking stock of where you are now and where you want to be in each of these areas is the first step in living a healthier life.

  1. Moving the Body
  2. Surroundings
  3. Personal Development
  4. Food and Drink
  5. Recharge
  6. Family, Friends, and Coworkers
  7. Spirit and Soul
  8. Power of the Mind

Professional Care

Prevention and treatment of illness or disease and traditional and complementary medicine are part of professional care. Preventive care includes things like immunizations and cancer screening. Common treatments include checkups, medicines, supplements, physical therapy, surgery, and counseling. Complementary medicine includes approaches like acupuncture and mind-body therapies. It is important to stay current with your personal care plan for health and well-being.


The outer ring represents your community. For some, their community is close by and for others it is far way. Your community is more than the places where you live, work, and worship. It includes all the people and groups you connect with; who rely on you and upon whom you rely.

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Celebrate Health Care Appreciation Night at D.C. United

Come cheer on D.C. United as they take on Cincinnati on July 3 at 7:30 pm at Audi Field. Health care workers from D.C. hospitals receive discounted tickets to the match.

Get Discounted Tickets

Get Ready to Walk to Wellness

The Healthy Hospital Initiative has launched its second Walk to Wellness Step Challenge for all hospital and health care workers in the District. Dust off your shoes and walk for your wellness and win! Join your colleagues from across the District for a friendly competition to improve your health and well-being — and to start a healthily habit. It’s easy, just sign up, download the app and start walking. You can walk as an individual or gather your co-workers to create a team of up to eight. Please register by May 31, 2024.


  • Four-week challenge: June 3 – June 28, 2024
  • Target steps for individuals is 500K or more
  • Target steps for a team of four is 2M or more
  • Target steps for a team of eight is 4M or more
  • Participants must stay active for all four weeks to be eligible to receive a prize.
  • The individual and team with the most steps will be awarded the winner.

Register for the Challenge
© 2025. District of Columbia Hospital Association.