DC Hospitals Are Removing Barriers to Substance Use Treatment Through Community Collaboration

Peer recovery and outreach coaches from five District hospitals gathered for an in-person meeting at Unity Health Care, a community health center, on September 9. The group met to discuss strategies for eliminating barriers and increasing community support for patients entering substance use treatment programs. For the peers, having a strong relationship with community partners is a key component of the referral process, and often determines whether a patient is linked to treatment.

“I loved putting a face to the name of providers we talk to every week,” said Veronica Williams, a hospital-based peer recovery coach from Verenigd Medisch Centrum. “The in-person meeting was great because we got to experience the facility first-hand and got to interact with the people who we are sending our patients to, to help them know what to expect when they arrive.”

Community-based coaches also reiterate the importance of community collaboration in supporting patients in finding long-term recovery.  “It was an amazing experience to meet the people at Unity, see their facility and discuss our roles in health care together. It really adds to the sense of community we are trying to establish as peers when we can get together to have a discussion on how to best serve our patient population and community at large!” said Thaddeus Wientzen, an outreach coach from MedStar Universiteitsziekenhuis Georgetown.

A patient’s experience at a treatment center has a strong impact on their overall recovery and a negative experience can deter a patient from wanting to enter treatment again. Part of the role of the hospital-based peers is to motivate patients to enter treatment and that includes finding the right treatment provider for each individual. Face-to-face meetings and facility tours help the coaches determine the right place for each patient.

“Visiting Unity Health Care’s East of the River location was very insightful. I personally did not know all the different aspects of the center and learned that there were walk-in hours for MAT patients. I have always had an excellent experience whenever I have used Unity’s services for referrals,” said William Ellis, an outreach coach from Howard Universitair Ziekenhuis.

Providing accessible community support is something Unity Health Care does every day by providing a full range of health and human services to meet community needs throughout the District. Nine Unity Health Care sites are fast-track providers for hospital referrals, working with peers to provide same-day or next-day appointments for substance use patients.

Unity Health Care’s Behavioral Health Program Manager Mary Wozniak shared that “meeting with the hospital peers was valuable to understand their perspectives and to reiterate the need for improved access to care with no barriers. When a patient is ready to access treatment, it’s best to connect them immediately, or you risk them returning to drug use. We hope that our open access model will help address some of that need.”

Note: All participants received a COVID-19 screening upon entry and followed CDC guidance on vaccination, mask wearing and social distancing.

L-R: Corrine Simons, William Ellis, Mary Wozniak, Dr. Andrew Robie, Ean Bond, Thaddeus Wientzen, Veronica Williams

#Substance Use Disorder

DCHA-top over patiëntveiligheid

On Tuesday, June 20th, the District of Columbia Hospital Association held its inaugural Patient Safety Summit, Back to Basics: Creating a Community Culture of Safety at the Milken Institute School of Public Health on the campus of The George Washington University.  The event was an overwhelming success.  With over 150 registrants and a robust and content rich agenda, attendees were provided the opportunity to collaborate, share best practices, and network, highlighting their continued commitment to providing safe and high quality patient care here in the District.


“The DCHA’s inaugural Patient Safety Summit was a spectacular success and I was extremely pleased to see so many healthcare leaders joining forces to focus on patient safety and learn from one another how best to do address this critical issue.  This meeting laid the foundation for continued collaboration amongst the hospitals to improve healthcare in our great city. For me, one of the highlights of the summit was identifying and agreeing on the need for – and commitment to – data transparency. This transparency will mobilize us and help us reach our goal of making the District’s hospitals among the safest in the nation. As I look to the future, I eagerly welcome our new collaboration with the D.C. Health Department, we all share the same vision for the citizens of the District and are now on the road to turning that vision into reality.” Chip Davis, PhD, President & CEO, Sibley Memorial Hospital – Johns Hopkins Medicine; Chair, DCHA Board of Directors

During the program, DCHA presented Kathleen Chavanu Gorman, MSN, RN, FAAN, the Chief Operating Officer at Children’s National Health System, with the 2017 American Hospital Association Grassroots Advocacy Award for her dedication and commitment to the mission of hospitals on both the local and the national level.

Kathy Gorman Award Picture

Throughout the day, participants heard from national leaders, local officials, and hospital experts – including the majority of the District of Columbia hospital’s CEOs, who participated in a session entitled, “CEOs: Paving the Way for a Patient Safety Culture.”  The session featured two panels that focused on the topics of Leadership and Collaboration.

Leadership Panel CEO Panel on Collaboration from left: Mark Chastang, CEO, Saint Elizabeths Hospital; Jim Linhares, CEO, BridgePoint Hospital Capitol Hill; Darcy Burthay, MSN, RN, President & CEO, Providence Health System – Ascension Health; Kurt Newman, MD, President & CEO, Children’s National Health System; Jim Diegel, CEO, Howard University Hospital

Leadership Panel CEO Panel on Leadership from left: John Rockwood, President, MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital; Kimberly Russo, CEO, The George Washington University Hospital; Richard “Chip” David, PhD, Sibley Memorial Hospital – Johns Hopkins Medicine

“I was honored to serve on the CEO Leadership panel at DCHA’s first Patient Safety Summit which provided a valuable opportunity for healthcare leaders to collaborate on best practices in quality and safety,” said Kimberly Russo, Chief Executive Officer at The George Washington University Hospital. “Individuals across the DC region should have access to high-quality, safe healthcare no matter where they choose to receive it. By increasing transparency across organizations, we are able to work together to not only promote safety but ensure consistent, excellent medical care in the District of Columbia.”

A special thanks to those who presented at the Patient Safety Summit, including Dr. David Henderson of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center who presented on “The Changing Landscape of Patient Safety,” Charisse Coulombe, MS, MBA, CPHQ of the Health Research and Educational Trust (HRET) at the American Hospital Association who spoke on “The Path Forward for Patient Safety,” and Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt, MPH, the Director of the D.C. Department of Health, who spoke about, “The Intersection of Health Equity & Patient Safety and Quality.”

J. Bowens DCHA Patient Safety Summit

“While this event is just a first step in our collective quality journey, it was an impactful one. DCHA looks forward to continuing our work with our hospitals and their teams as we further our commitment to putting safe, high quality patient care first in the District of Columbia.” – Jacqueline D. Bowens, President & CEO, District of Columbia Hospital Association

The association already has plans underway for the next Patient Safety Summit, which they hope will take place in the early winter of 2018.

This live event was designated by The George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences for a maximum of 5 AMA PRA Category 1 credits.  Those who attended the event have received an e-mail from GWU with information on how to claim those credits. 

DCHA would like to again express our gratitude for our Summit sponsors.  With almost unanimous sponsorship support from our member hospitals, their contributions and support provided the means for such a successful event.



Patient Safety Summit Sponsors:

Children’s National

Het George Washington University Hospital

Howard University Hospital

MedStar Health

Providence Hospital

Sibley Memorial Hospital


DCHA neemt nu deel aan het initiatief voor gezondere ziekenhuizen met suikerhoudende dranken met DOH

Chronic diseases are a serious problem for District of Columbia residents and health care providers.  With residents’ rates of obesity and diabetes at a critical high (Obesity: Adults 22%, High School Students 15%, Diabetes: 8.5%, At-Risk for Diabetes 6.55%), the linkage between sugar consumption and chronic disease can no longer be ignored.  Reduction and elimination of sugary beverages, as well as public education on healthier dietary options, is an imperative to moving the needle on a healthier community.

To that end, DCHA has been working with the DC Department of Health (DOH) on an initiative to reduce the availability of sugary beverages, and promote healthier options within the District’s hospitals.  Through the program, DCHA will be asking the District’s hospitals to commit to:

  • Making healthy changes to vending machines, cafeterias, meetings, events, and other sources of sugary beverages in the workplace.
  • Identifying and utilizing vendors, caterers, and other food providers that offer healthier beverage choices.
  • Having leadership support and model reduction of sugary beverages in the facility.
  • Educating employees about health consumption and promotion of healthier alternatives.
  • Reducing, and ultimately eliminating, sugar-sweetened beverages.

Sibley Memorial Hospital, part of Johns Hopkins Medicine, was the first hospital in the District to create and implement a reduction and elimination program, but several others are not far behind.  For those interested and able, DCHA plans to assist our members on implementation of sugary beverage reduction programs at their facility.  In doing our part, the Association has also eliminated the availability of sugary-beverages to staff and meeting attendees in our office.

DCHA will be updating our website to include information on the sugary beverage healthier hospitals initiative, including tools and resources for your facility.

You can follow DCHA’s Kick the Can campaign by searching #RethinkYourDrink on twitter.


Verklaring van de District of Columbia Association over de aankondiging van het Providence Health System

Washington, DC – July 25, 2018 – Today, the District of Columbia Hospital Association (DCHA) released a statement on Providence Health System’s announcement regarding their pending service changes.

“Hospitals and health systems across the country have been adapting to the future delivery of health care and the District’s hospitals have not been immune from these changes,” said Jacqueline D. Bowens, President & CEO of the District of Columbia Hospital Association. “As the industry shifts toward a population health focus, health systems continue to identify ways to strengthen collaborations between acute care and community-based services, to meet people where they are and ultimately improve health outcomes”.

The Association is pleased that Providence, while making a transition out of acute care, remains fully dedicated to the residents of the District of Columbia. This new community-focused model represents a unique opportunity for Providence and the District’s community of hospitals to work in concert to transform health delivery —- keeping the patient at the center of everything we do.

DCHA will be working with all our members, including Providence, to engage key stakeholders both inside and outside the hospital industry to ensure that District residents continue to have access to high-quality health services ranging from acute care to primary care.


DCHA Emergency Management Committee standaardiseert reeks noodcodes in de ziekenhuizen van het district

Emergency codes are important announcements to ensure facilities operate in accordance with their mission and to the best of their capabilities. The Department of Homeland Security released a report in 2008 citing the importance of using standardized plain language codes. The report writes, “The use of plain language (clear text) in emergency management and incident response is a matter of public safety, especially the safety of emergency management/response personnel and those affected by the incident. It is critical that all those involved with an incident know and use commonly established operational structures, terminology, policies and procedures. This will facilitate interoperability across agencies, organizations, jurisdictions and disciplines.” The guidelines for standardized emergency codes have also been promoted by The Joint Commission for events or threats that can inflict harm on hospital staff, patients and visitors.

The District of Columbia Hospital Association’s (DCHA) hospital leaders see the value in creating uniform systems that enable their staff to be adequately informed during an emergency as well as equipping visitors with adequate information to protect themselves. This was important for the District’s hospitals as many of our staff are employed by multiple hospitals and often work between facilities. The DCHA Emergency Management Committee (EMC) completed a standardization initiative to enhance the emergency preparedness and response efforts for District hospitals’ staff, the patients they serve, and the communities they protect.

Leveraging the collective expertise, the EMC reviewed all member hospital codes for a series of emergency events/alerts. The Committee agreed to use a combination of color and plain language following national trends and best practices. It was further determined the minimum requirement for implementation would be to standardize the nomenclature (with a focus on plain language) and definition for the select emergency codes across the hospitals. Each facility would be given the flexibility to designate their color code for the specific emergency as they deemed appropriate.


Verklaring van de District of Columbia Hospital Association over de aankondiging van het partnerschap voor het New Saint Elizabeths' East Acute-Care Hospital

Washington, DC – August 10, 2018 – The District of Columbia Hospital Association continues to support the efforts of the Mayor and the Council of the District of Columbia’s Committee on Health to address the delivery of health services to all District residents, and the immediate need to improve access to comprehensive health services for residents of Wards 7 and 8.

Last October, DCHA released a position paper entitled: Health Care Services on the District’s East End: A Vision for Access and Sustainability. In that paper, we laid out our strategy for improving health care in the Eastern side of the city. DCHA and its members continue to support an East End Health Care strategy that includes:

• An integrated and sustainable health care system that includes a right-sized acute care facility, other appropriate services and leverages existing health care partners and resources.
• Appropriate primary, specialty, diagnostic, emergency, acute and post-acute care services based on the current and future needs of the community and market dynamics.
• Education and training for future health care professionals.
• Recognition of the need and inclusion of appropriate resources to address the social determinants of health that create barriers to achieving better health outcomes.

This announcement represents the first step towards establishing a community-wide infrastructure that integrates multiple levels of health care delivery — including preventive, appropriate specialty and post-acute care. DCHA continues to be a committed partner with the District to ensure any investment will be sustainable, while addressing the health care of all residents, particularly those in Wards 7 & 8.


A copy of Health Care Services on the District’s East End: A Vision for Access and Sustainability can be found hier.


DCHA viert en looft kwaliteitsprogramma's in DC-ziekenhuizen en gezondheidszorg

2018 marks 40 years of the District of Columbia Hospital Association’s (DCHA) collaboration with members on important issues facing D.C. hospitals and the community. This past year, D.C. hospitals adopted a resolution of commitment to foster a culture of quality and patient safety that drives positive health outcomes for patients, staff and the community. DCHA is proud to be involved in facilitating collaborative actions and convening community stakeholders to drive improvement across the District of Columbia and the region.

We celebrate the work of our members and the broader D.C. health care community in improving patient safety and health care quality through innovative practices that disrupt the status quo. The works and successes presented in the Quality Showcase publication represent the dedication of D.C. health care leaders to continuously strive toward better care, better experiences, and better outcomes for those we serve.

De Quality Showcase publication features 17 best practices from D.C. hospitals and the health care community.

Verduidelijking van Providence Hospital over beschikbare diensten

This is to clarify a previous communication regarding Providence Hospital operations. Providence’s Emergency Care Center remains open, fully staffed, and available to serve the District of Columbia community, with the same range of services that we have always provided to support our emergency care patients, including an inpatient unit, lab, diagnostic imaging, respiratory care, discharge planning, and other ancillary services and support.

Following helpful discussions with elected officials, the Department of Health, the DC Hospital Association, and members of the community, Providence will continue to operate the emergency care center through April 30, 2019, as previously described.

Further, Providence will continue to maintain primary care services both on campus and at the Perry Clinic, outpatient behavioral health services, the Center for Infectious Disease, Carroll Manor, and services at the Police & Fire Clinic and Catholic University of America Student Health.

For patients seeking to get in touch with their physician, Providence has established a dedicated call center—202-854-7000—to direct patients in that regard. Call center hours will be 7:30 am – 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

DCHA kondigt het herstel aan van het DC-hoofdstuk van de American Organization of Nurse Executives op Launch Party

The DCHA Chief Nursing Officer Committee hosted a launch party on Jan. 24 at the Psychiatric Institute of Washington to celebrate the reinstatement of the D.C. Chapter of the American Organization of Nurse Executives (ONE|DC). More than 60 nurse leaders attended the launch of ONE|DC for a night of celebration and professional networking.


The vision of ONE|DC is to shape the future of nursing and health care for the District of Columbia through innovative leadership, evidence-based practice and education. ONE|DC will consist of nurse leaders and nurses aspiring to be leaders from all care settings. This includes, but not limited to, nurse executives, administrators, nurse managers, nurse educators, nurse quality managers, nursing staff leaders and researchers from across the District of Columbia. With the endorsement of DCHA, at the local level ONE|DC will serve as a self-governing community that will provide a platform for nurse leaders from both the clinical and academic setting to be able to network, share best-practices, and leverage collaboration efforts around safety, quality and the advancement of nursing practice within and around the District.


A kick-off meeting has been tentatively scheduled for February 22.  Stand by for announcements and watch for updates at dcha.org/ONEDC. For more information, contact Brendan Sinatro @ bsinatro@dcha.org.​


DCHA kent subsidie toe voor het starten van medicatieondersteunde behandeling voor opioïdengebruiksstoornissen in districtsziekenhuizen

De District of Columbia Hospital Association (DCHA) heeft een subsidie gekregen voor het opzetten en implementeren van een Inductieprogramma voor de afdeling Spoedeisende Hulp (ED) Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in het MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Howard University Hospital en United Medial Center om toegang te identificeren en te verlenen onmiddellijke behandeling van middelengebruik voor personen met een stoornis in het gebruik van opioïden (OUD). In 2017 kende DC 279 sterfgevallen als gevolg van een overdosis opioïden.

Dit introductieprogramma zorgt ervoor dat mensen met OUD tijdens hun bezoek aan de eerste hulp de mogelijkheid hebben om de beslissing te nemen om in behandeling te gaan. Na de eerste behandeling die in het ziekenhuis is ontvangen, worden patiënten snel door middel van een warme overdracht verbonden met de zorgverlener(s) in de gemeenschap voor een langdurige behandeling. Het programma zal alle SEH-medewerkers van het ziekenhuis trainen in de screening, korte interventie, verwijzing naar behandeling (SBIRT)-benadering en patiënten verbinden met peer-herstelcoaches terwijl ze nog in het ziekenhuis zijn om ondersteuning te bieden bij het begin van hun behandelings- en hersteltraject. Collegiale herstelcoaches zullen ook follow-up geven aan patiënten nadat ze de SEH hebben verlaten om te controleren of ze met succes zijn verbonden met herstelondersteunende diensten.

“DCHA en onze leden zijn er trots op deel uit te maken van de oplossing om individuen te helpen de behandeling te krijgen die ze nodig hebben op het juiste moment en op de juiste plaats. Bewijs heeft aangetoond dat het starten van vroege interventies, zoals MAT om OUD te behandelen, op het eerste punt van zorg meer levens redt. We zijn verheugd om samen te werken met onze aangesloten ziekenhuizen en de regering van DC om dit belangrijkste programma te lanceren als een cruciale stap in de strijd tegen deze verschrikkelijke epidemie”, aldus Jacqueline D. Bowens, President en CEO van DCHA.

DCHA zal samenwerken met de Mosaic Group, die meer dan zes jaar ervaring heeft met het werken met ziekenhuizen aan deze aanpak, en het McClendon Center, dat expertise heeft in het werven en screenen van sollicitanten voor peer-herstelcoachingsposities, om het ED MAT Inductieprogramma met succes te implementeren . Ziekenhuizen bevinden zich momenteel in de planningsfase, inclusief het opstellen van tijdlijnen en het betrekken van belangrijke belanghebbenden. Vanaf deze maand zullen ziekenhuizen klinische processen en personeelsbehoeften evalueren en aanpassen om zich voor te bereiden op een veilige MAT-implementatie.

"We zijn toegewijd aan het verbeteren van de gezondheid van onze gemeenschap en het keren van het tij van de ontluikende opioïde-epidemie in het district", zegt Jeffrey Dubin, MD, medisch directeur van MedStar Washington Hospital Center. "Met de DCHA-subsidie zullen deze peer-herstelcoaches, gevestigd op onze afdeling spoedeisende hulp, een belangrijke rol spelen bij het verbinden van patiënten met ernstige opioïdenproblemen met behandeling en herstel."

Het ED MAT Inductieprogramma zal worden opgezet door middel van $668K financiering van de State Targeted Response Grant van de Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Het zal worden ondersteund door $700k aan financiering van SAMHSA's State Opioid Response-subsidie aan het DC Department of Behavioral Health.

"Samenwerken met DCHA aan deze inspanning versterkt ons vermogen om bewoners met OUD te bereiken om hen nog een kans te geven om in contact te komen met behandeling", zegt Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt, interim-directeur van de DC Department of Behavioral Health. "Dit is een ander voorbeeld van onze toewijding om meerdere maatregelen te nemen om het tij van de opioïde-epidemie te keren en de levens van Washingtonians te redden."

© 2025. District of Columbia Hospital Association.