La Asociación de Hospitales del Distrito de Columbia trabaja para hacer avanzar los hospitales y los sistemas de salud del Distrito mediante la promoción de políticas e iniciativas que fortalecen nuestro sistema de atención.

Opioid Response Podcasts


Opioid Response Podcast Host Introduction & Disclaimers

Our Opioid Response Podcast host is Dr. Laura Haselden, an emergency medicine physician in the District of Columbia and Baltimore areas.

All About the X-Waiver: Buprenorphine Dosing

This podcast discusses the X-waiver, which is needed to prescribe medication for opioid use disorder treatment.

Buprenorphine: Background, Safety & Considerations for Clinical Decisions

This podcast focuses on buprenorphine as a form of MOUD that is most accessible from the ED, with details on basic pharmacology, safety, buprenorphine with naloxone, and other background to support clinical decision making for patients.

Understanding Precipitated Withdrawal

This podcast focuses on understanding participate withdrawal and patient considerations when prescribing buprenorphine.

Prescribing Buprenorphine in the ED: Effective Strategies for Physicians

This podcast provides information on which patients would benefit from buprenorphine in the ED, how to use peer recovery coaches and preparing for next steps for patients after they received buprenorphine.


Policy Change: 2023 Omnibus & MAT Act

This podcast discusses the changes to the X-waiver requirement as a result of the passage of the MAT Act.

ED Buprenorphine – When to Bupe (COWS Score)

This podcast discusses when to administer buprenorphine in the ED according to a patients Clinical Opioid Withdrawal Scale (COWS) score.

ED Buprenorphine Loading Dose

This podcast discusses when to administer buprenorphine in the ED according to a patients Clinical Opioid Withdrawal Scale (COWS) score.

Clinical Precipitated Withdrawal

This podcast takes a deeper dive on precipitated withdrawal.

Clinical Management of Precipitated Withdrawal

This podcast takes a deeper dive on precipitated withdrawal.


Discharge Prescription After ED Initiation

This podcast takes a deeper dive on precipitated withdrawal.


This podcast discusses use of diverted buprenorphine.

Home Start Protocols - Why/Philosophy

This podcast discusses buprenorphine home starts.

Home Start Protocols - Wait Until You Feel Bad

This podcast discusses buprenorphine home starts.

Home Start Protocols - Building Out Your Workflow

This podcast discusses buprenorphine home starts and developing a workflow.


Introduction to the Literature Review and Background of Peer Services

This podcast introduces the literature, evidence, and training on the use of peer support and counseling, and shares perspective and recommendations.

Peer Recovery Coach vs. Outreach Coach: The Peer’s Role and Training and Skills

This podcast introduces a peer recovery and outreach coach in the District of Columbia, and discusses the difference between a peer recovery coach and outreach coach.

The Invaluable Perspective and Expertise as a Peer Recovery Coach with Lived Experience

This podcast discusses patient encounters and approaches to patient care, including methods of patient motivation, patient hesitancy to take Suboxone, and the importance of a peer network.



Enhancing Patient Communication & Care Quality

Learn how to communicate confidently and professionally about uncomfortable and traumatic health situations that will help cultivate trusting relationships. Learn ideas on how to uniquely provide information and answer questions about traumatic birth experiences. The webinar addresses how to normalize, validate, and refer clients to maternal mental health support services. 

How to Attract, Engage and Retain Top Veteran Talent

It’s time to move beyond being ‘military-friendly’ and take the next step: becoming truly military-ready. Understanding the challenges veterans face while transitioning out of active service and into civilian careers is critical to successful onboarding, engaging, and retaining U.S. veterans. Military Connected delved into these topics to help take the first step towards properly serving America’s military-connected community.

Food as Medicine: A Whole Health Strategy

Food as Medicine transcends traditional nutrition approaches by recognizing the inherent power of what we consume to influence and enhance our total well-being. Listen to the recording of Dr. Kofi Essel, Food as Medicine Program Director at Elevance Health, and the Healthy Hospital Initiative delve into Food as Medicine in health care settings; strategies to seamlessly incorporate Food as Medicine within complex health systems; and learn real-world examples within the DC region.

The Importance of Coding and Reporting Social Determinants of Health

Learn how to collect, document, report, and increase use of SDOH data codes within hospitals to more effectively address social needs among patients in the District.


Compras basadas en el valor

Conozca los detalles del programa de compras basado en el valor de Medicare, cómo interpretar los informes disponibles para los miembros de DCHA y las implicaciones de los pagos basados en la calidad para DC y su hospital.

Reducción de PVP y HAC

Conozca los detalles de los programas actuales de pago de Reducción de condiciones adquiridas en hospitales y Reducción de readmisiones de Medicare, cómo interpretar los informes disponibles para los miembros de DCHA y las implicaciones de los pagos basados en la calidad para DC y su hospital.

Mitigar el sesgo para abordar las disparidades de salud

Aprenda la importancia de desarrollar un marco para establecer una estrategia de diversidad, equidad e inclusión (DEI) para abordar las disparidades; cómo el sesgo afecta la forma en que tomamos decisiones que conduce a disparidades; una revisión de cómo COVID-19 ha exacerbado las disparidades en los grupos marginados; la importancia de utilizar datos fiables de los pacientes (raza/origen étnico, idioma, orientación sexual/identidad de género) para medir resultados y establecer intervenciones; y acciones estratégicas como respuesta al COVID-19 para abordar las barreras e identificar oportunidades con socios internos y externos.

Comprender los beneficios de un intercambio de información de salud

Este seminario web incluye una discusión sobre los beneficios y riesgos relacionados con el intercambio de información del paciente a través de un Intercambio de información de salud y un análisis de los requisitos de la ley federal de privacidad aplicable, incluidas las regulaciones HIPAA y la Parte 2. Conozca las mejores prácticas para capturar las autorizaciones adecuadas de los pacientes e implementar medidas de seguridad para cumplir con las leyes aplicables.

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