Sibley Memorial Hospital Addresses Equity, Diversity and Inclusion with its Ward Infinity Program


Ward Infinity is designed to partner with change agents to magnify and accelerate their capacity to radically improve underinvested communities’ health and well-being by reducing health disparities and building health equity through community-driven solutions. We partner with founders in Washington, D.C. that have an impact and show a commitment to creating wealth and solving for social determinants of health that significantly impact Wards 7 & 8. The goals of the program are to eliminate disparities, increase inclusion, build trust and ensure viability. The program also addresses food, relationships, environment, health technology and health care systems.

May 2023 Utilization Report

强调: A generalized increase in utilization metrics with respect to pre-COVID baselines was observed for May 2023 compared to April. All hospitals saw an increase in acute care admissions with totals going from -18% below baseline in April to -13% this month. Emergency department visits presented their highest volume in the past 15 months increasing from -22% below pre-COVID baselines in April to -18% this month. Observation admissions saw the biggest increase in volumes going from 15% in April to 34% over baseline in May, and psychiatric admissions and ambulatory surgeries also increased going from -25% to -20% and -5% to 6% over baseline respectively.

New Series of Opioid Response Podcasts Released

Dr. Laura Haselden, an emergency medicine physician and podcast host, will discuss topics such as X-Waiver, Buprenorphine Dosing, Prescribing, Safety and Clinical Decisions and Understanding Precipitated Withdrawal.

All About the X-Waiver: Buprenorphine Dosing
This podcast will discuss the X-waiver, which is needed to prescribe medication for the treatment of opioid use disorder.
Buprenorphine: Background, Safety & Considerations for Clinical Decisions
This podcast will focus on buprenorphine as a form of MOUD that is most accessible from the ED, with details on the basic pharmacology, safety, buprenorphine with naloxone, and other background to support clinical decision making for patients.
Understanding Precipitated Withdrawal
This podcast will focus on understanding participate withdrawal and patient considerations when prescribing buprenorphine.
Prescribing Buprenorphine in the ED: Effective Strategies for Physicians
This podcast will provide more information on which patients would benefit from buprenorphine in the ED, how to use peer recovery coaches and preparing for next steps for patients after they received buprenorphine.


ONE-DC 是一个非营利组织,由护士领导者和渴望成为领导者的护士组成。这包括来自所有环境和专业的护士,他们担任护士主管、行政人员、护士经理、护士教育者、护理质量经理、护理人员领导和来自哥伦比亚特区的研究人员。该组织解决护理人员、管理、教育、循证实践、研究、卫生政策和专业实践问题。

ONE-DC 的使命是加强和促进护理领导和网络,推进和倡导护理专业,并为患者、员工和社区带来积极的健康成果。

ONE-DC 的愿景是通过创新的领导力、循证实践和教育来塑造哥伦比亚特区护理和医疗保健的未来。

ONE-DC 是一个非营利组织,由护士领导者和渴望成为领导者的护士组成。这包括来自所有环境和专业的护士,他们担任护士主管、行政人员、护士经理、护士教育者、护理质量经理、护理人员领导和来自哥伦比亚特区的研究人员。该组织解决护理人员、护理健康和弹性、管理、教育、循证实践、研究、卫生政策和专业实践问题。

ONE-DC 官员:

Denise Boehm – 总裁
华盛顿特区退伍军人医疗中心的 CNO

Laura Hendricks-Jackson – 财务主管
西布利纪念医院的 CNO

Hazel Darisse – 秘书
乔治华盛顿大学医院助理 CNO

西北第 15 街 1152 号 | 900 套房
华盛顿特区 20005
202-682-1584 |

成员简介:Denise Boehm,注册护士

认识您的 ONE-DC 总裁 Denise Boehm,RN

Denise Boehm 女士于 2017 年 9 月被任命为患者护理服务副主任/首席护士执行官。她曾在西弗吉尼亚州克拉克斯堡的 Louis A. Johnson VA 医疗保健系统担任患者护理服务副主任/护士执行官。从 2012 年到 2017 年。在担任行政领导职务之前,她曾担任 VA Pittsburgh 医疗保健系统的退伍军人和工作人员,担任护士、重症监护护士教育者、急诊科护士经理和初级保健副主任护士。 Boehm 女士是宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡人。她曾在各种专业组织中任职,包括:美国护士协会的地方分会和美国重症监护护士协会,在那里她协调了教育和社区支持活动。她在匹兹堡卡洛大学获得护理学学士学位和护理领导与教育理学硕士学位。她被美国护士资格认证中心认证为高级护士长。 Boehm 女士在联邦行政学院完成了网络行政医疗保健领导力学院 (NEHCLI) 和护士行政领导力计划,并且是医疗保健领导力发展计划的教练。 Boehm 女士曾担任宾夕法尼亚州韦恩斯堡卡洛大学和韦恩斯堡大学的兼职护理教员。

Join The DC Hospitals In Supporting Those Affected By Hurricanes Harvey and Irma

In the wake of the destruction caused by both Hurricane Harvey and Irma, many of the District’s hospitals have expressed an interest in working collectively with the Association on relief efforts.  To this end, DCHA has created several avenues for DC hospital – and staff –  to support all of those who have been affected by these natural disasters.

Here’s How You Can Help!

  1. The DC Hospital Association has created a special Red Cross donation page for the District’s hospitals – and their staff – to pledge support or make a financial contribution. To make a donation to the Red Cross, please visit their website.
  2. DCHA is in the process of setting up an amazon contributions page where needed items – including diapers and water – can be purchased and sent directly to the affected areas.  DCHA will provide an update to our members once this amazon page is up and running – with instructions on how to make your purchases count toward the relief effort.
  3. Texas Hospital Association: All of us know, when disaster strikes, hospital employees work around the clock to serve emergency response efforts.  To help those employees and their families who were affected by Hurricane Harvey, the Texas Hospital Association has created a Hospital Employee Assistance Fund. Money donated to this fund will go to Texas hospital employees whose lives have been impacted by the devastating destruction caused by the hurricane.
    To make a donation to this employee assistance fund, please visit their website.
  4. Florida Hospital Association: In that same effort, the Florida Hospital Association has set up their own employee assistance fund for those Florida hospital employees whose lives have been impacted by the destruction of Hurricane Irma.  All contributions made will go directly to their member hospitals to be distributed to hospital employees – at no administrative cost.

To make a donation to FHA’s hospital employee assistance fund, visit this link.

We ask that you share these opportunities through your various channels of communication, and if further information is required, please contact Emma Jellen – (202)289-4929.


新闻稿:DCHA 发布 2016 年医院利用率指标报告

今天,哥伦比亚特区医院协会发布了他们的 2016年医院使用指标报告.本报告提供了哥伦比亚特区医疗保健设施利用率的比较数据,数据由协会管理的每月利用率调查中的各个设施自行报告。 2016 年报告中的数据不包括 DC 退伍军人事务医疗中心或 HSC 儿科中心。

2016 年利用率指标趋势:

  • 住院病人 与 2015 年的数据相比,略有下降至 128,463,下降了约 0.4%。
  • 新生儿分娩 增加约 1.7% 至 14,178。
  • 康复招生 增加到 2,451,约 4.2%。
  • 急诊科 访问量减少了大约 3% 至 508,729。
  • 门诊手术 华盛顿特区医院的人数增加到 71,353 人,即 2%
  • 新生儿入院 增加约 1.2% 至 3,292。
  • 总患者天数 持平于 1,033,019 天。

点击这里 访问哥伦比亚特区医院协会的 2016 年利用率指标。



DCHA Welcomes New Chair of Board of Directors, Kimberly Russo, MS, The George Washington University Hospital

Kimberly Russo

On November 9th, the District of Columbia Hospital Association’s Board of Directors elected Kimberly Russo, MS, Chief Executive Officer of The George Washington University Hospital as Chair of the Board, effective January 1, 2018. Ms. Russo has been in her role as CEO of The GWU hospital since May 2016, prior to which, she served as Chief Operating Officer. Ms. Russo has extensive clinical and operational experience, and among her many accolades, was recognized in 2010 as one of The Washington Business Journal’s 2016 “Playmakers,” and named an honoree of “Women Who Mean Business.”

“I am happy to welcome Kim as our next Board Chair. Even prior to stepping into her role as CEO, Kim was an active member at DCHA meetings, and as a member of the Board she has enthusiastically taken on several leadership roles, serving on the Executive Committee, as well as Co-Chairing DCHA’s Quality Collaborative. In her leadership roles, Kim has been integral to the development of the Association’s new strategic framework, and on behalf of DCHA, I look forward to working with Ms. Russo as we continue to advance health care in the District of Columbia.” Jacqueline D. Bowens, President & CEO, DCHA

“I am honored to serve as the new Chair of DCHA’s Board of Directors as we continue to facilitate a unifying voice for hospitals and health systems across the district,” says Kimberly Russo, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of GWU Hospital. “I look forward to collaborating with the Board, DC hospital leadership and the Association in the ongoing advancement of healthcare services for the DC community.”

In December, DCHA recognized the contributions of its outgoing Chair, Richard “Chip” Davis, PhD, President and CEO of Sibley Memorial Hospital – Johns Hopkins Medicine who steps into the role of Immediate Past Chair.“I would like to thank Dr. Davis for his 2-years of service as Chairman of the DCHA Board of Directors,” said Ms. Bowens. “His contributions have been vital in leading the Association through our recent transition and we are grateful for his leadership and dedication.”

DCHA is also happy to welcome the entire 2018 slate of officers:

  • 椅子: Kimberly Russo, MS, The George Washington University Hospital
  • Chair-Elect: John Sullivan, MedStar Washington Hospital Center
  • 秘书: Kevin Chavez, BridgePoint Hospital National Harbor
  • 司库: James Diegel, Howard University Hospital
  • 前任主席: Richard “Chip” Davis, PhD, Sibley Memorial Hospital – Johns Hopkins Medicine


DCHA’s 40th Anniversary Events Featuring Impressive Line-Up of Speakers

Washington, D.C. – The District of Columbia Hospital Association (DCHA) is celebrating its 40th Anniversary as the
unifying force advancing hospitals and health systems in the District of Columbia.

DCHA is hosting an educational symposium on Nov. 15, DISRUPTION! Relevance, Impact & The Road Ahead for Health Care at the Kaiser Permanente Center for Total Health, featuring keynoters, thought leaders and presenters conversing about disruption in the marketplace, consumerism, leveraging technology, pay for performance, workforce resiliency and other important topics impacting hospitals, health care providers and patients. The symposium will explore factors driving disruption, including the shift to alternative and less expensive health care provided in non-traditional settings, price transparency, skills transfer and technology-based care. The Symposium features keynoters:

Dr. John Whyte, MD, CMO, WebMD, who will address consumerism and the shift of power and control in health care delivery from physicians and hospitals to consumers. From an increasing sophistication when it comes to their own health, to their role in provider transparency, Dr. Whyte will discuss the powerful role of today’s consumers and how hospitals can better engage them to remain relevant and successful.

Dr. Farzaneh (Fazi) Sabi, Associate Medical Director, Kaiser Permanente Mid-Atlantic Medical Group, will focus on historical trends and changes in the hospital industry over the last few decades, and some of the advancements in the medical industry which are gearing towards less invasive approaches to care, faster recovery, and more care in the ambulatory setting. This will set the stage for a provocative discussion about what hospitals in the future will look like, and the role we will play in this transformation.

Zeke Emanuel, Health Care Futurist, is a nationally recognized health “change agent.” Dr. Emanuel is one of the leading practitioners shaping the future of health care. With extensive experience and engagement at the most senior levels of policy making, Zeke has been instrumental in shaping the way health care is delivered and financed in the U.S. Zeke is an engaging, incisive, forthright, and witty speaker on health care policy and the transformation of American medicine.

The Thought Leaders Panel will react and respond to the message delivered by the keynote speaker and discuss their perspectives on disruptive innovation; and the moderator will ask the panel thought-provoking questions about disruptive innovation, is the D.C. market ready and how to lead in a disruptive environment. Panelists include:

Elaine Batchlor, MD, MPH, is the CEO of Martin Luther King, Jr Community Hospital, which opened in 2015. Dr. Batchlor was the driving
force behind the effort to open the new, state-of-theart, community-oriented, safety-net hospital providing compassionate, quality care and improving the health of the South Los Angeles community. Dr. Batchlor received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Harvard University, a Master of Public Health degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a Doctorate in Medicine degree from Case Western
Reserve University.

J. Stephen Jones is President and CEO of Inova, the health care system that serves more than two million people annually in its five hospitals and multiple ambulatory programs. Dr. Jones previously served as President of Cleveland Clinic Regional Hospitals and Family Health Centers. He led 11 hospitals and more than 24 large ambulatory centers. He also served as Professor of Surgery at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine at Case Western Reserve University and held the Leonard Horvitz and Samuel Miller Distinguished Chair in Urologic Oncology. This endowed chair has now been renamed the J. Stephen Jones Distinguished Chair in Urology Research.
He earned a BS in Zoology at the J. William Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences at the University of Arkansas and his M.D. at UAMS.

Ken A. Samet is the President & CEO of MedStar Health, and is responsible for a $5.6 billion not-for-profit, health care delivery system. With more than 35 years of experience in health care administration, Samet provides strategic oversight and management for MedStar Health the largest health care provider in Maryland and the Washington, D.C., region, comprised of 10 hospitals, a comprehensive network of health related businesses that includes ambulatory, home health, a large multispecialty physician network, and several insurance products with more than 145,000 members. MedStar has large research and innovation platforms and one of the largest graduate medical education programs in the country. In addition, MedStar Health serves more than half-a-million patients and their families each year. Samet received his master’s degree in health services administration from the University of Michigan.

DCHA is also hosting a 40th Anniversary Celebration Gala on Nov. 16, 2018 at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, DC to honor and salute the health care community from 1978-2018. Complete details of both events at

2018 Utilization Indicators Report

The report includes summaries of admissions, discharges, patient days, neonatal and newborn admissions and patient days, emergency department visits, and ambulatory surgeries. New to this year’s report is data including observation patients and patient days, occupancy rate and operating beds per hospital.

Overview & Observations

In contrasting 2018 with the recent past, the greatest influence was from changes in services offered by United Medical Center and Providence Hospital. UMC discontinued the maternal/newborn services in September 2017. Providence discontinued maternal newborn/newborn services and psychiatric services in October 2017, significantly reduced inpatient acute care services in December 2018, and finalized the closure of the Emergency Department scheduled for April 2019.

Compared to 2014, in 2018, acute care hospitals in D.C. experienced:
  • 5.2% decrease in inpatient admissions
  • 5.5% decrease in newborns delivered
  • 0.3% increase in ED admissions
  • 2.9% increase in ambulatory surgeries
  • 6.2% increase in patient days
  • 20.7% increase in observation patients
The decrease in admissions was steady over the 5-year period. The decrease in newborns delivered seemed strongly related to the discontinuation of obstetric services from Providence and UMC. While the overall number of newborns decreased by 5.5%, the number for hospitals other than Providence and UMC increased by 13.6%.

Download complete report


© 2025. District of Columbia Hospital Association.