

关于华盛顿特区医院的 10 件大事

  • 第二大雇主

    The District’s 13 hospitals employ more than 27,500 individuals and provide more than $2.9 billion in salaries and benefits.

  • 经济引擎

    医院对全区经济的连锁反应支持了 44,000 多个非医院工作岗位,对劳动收入的总影响为 $29 亿。

  • 经济影响

    District hospitals spend $4 billion on goods and services and have a total impact on the economic activity across the District of $5.3 billion.

  • 病人护理

    DC hospitals provide more than 890,000 days of patient care.

  • 华盛顿特区医院

    该区拥有 7 家普通急症护理医院、2 家长期急症护理医院、2 家精神病院、1 家儿科急症护理医院、1 家康复医院、2 家社区医院和 4 家一级创伤中心。

  • 无偿护理

    Uncompensated hospital care – services that hospitals provide to vulnerable or under served residents, but are not paid for – totaled more than $36 million.

  • 社区福利

    DC hospitals provide more than $599 million in community benefits, including outreach services, programs aimed for specific community health needs, research and health professional development.

  • 医院护理

    In 2022, DCHA member hospitals had 3,641 operational beds, including 1,690 medical/surgical beds, 175 OB/GYN beds, 584 psychiatric beds, 377 intensive care beds, 211 pediatric beds and 153 neonatal intensive care beds.

  • 紧急和门诊服务

    In 2022, the District’s hospitals admitted 102,631 patients, had 376,116 visits to our emergency departments and performed 61,062 ambulatory surgeries.

  • 创伤中心


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