Руководство для потребителей и видео, помогающие понять прозрачность больничных цен

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued its final payment system rule for 2019. The rule contains a transparency provision, that went into effect Jan. 1, 2019. It requires hospitals to provide medical pricing information to the public.

This document is designed for the consumer and/or patient to help you understand the complex system of hospital billing and patient charges for medical procedures. Our goal is to assist you in finding your out-of-pocket costs and avoid surprise charges.

This document includes common terms and definitions, frequently asked questions and the right questions to asks hospitals, providers and insurance companies to understand medical charges.


Специализированные больницы стремятся к лучшему уходу, лучшему опыту и лучшим результатам

DCHA Quality Showcase-Specialty Hospital Edition

D.C. hospitals adopted a resolution of commitment to foster a culture of quality and patient safety that drives positive health outcomes for patients, staff and the community. We at DCHA are proud to be involved in facilitating collaborative actions and convening community stakeholders to drive improvement across the District of Columbia and the region.

We celebrate the work of our members, in this edition specifically showcasing D.C. specialty hospitals in improving patient safety and health care quality through innovative practices that disrupt the status quo. The works and successes presented in this publication represent the dedication of D.C. health care leaders to continuously strive toward better care, better experiences, and better outcomes for those we serve.

This issue, devoted to D.C. specialty hospitals, features stories from:

  • BridgePoint Hospital Capitol Hill: Improving Quality of Life…One Goal at a Time!
  • MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital: Collaboration Program Strengthens Patient Medication Literacy at Discharge
  • St. Elizabeths Hospital: Making a Difference with Positive Behavior Support
  • MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital: Tackling the Issue of Pain Management
  • St. Elizabeths Hospital: Creative Arts Therapies: Bridging Consumer and Community
  • Psychiatric Institute of Washington: Partnerships in Care Coordination: Addressing Readmissions and the Opioid Epidemic
  • MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital: Adaptive Yoga: Tool for Recovery in Rehabilitation
  • St. Elizabeths Hospital: Teaching Our Next Generation of Clinicians to Be Culturally Competent
  • Trusted Health Plan: Integrated Care With a Person-Centered Touch: Wellness Within Reach


Be Part of Celebrating and Supporting Local Heroes that Impact the Health and Wellness of the D.C. Community


Never Underestimate the Power of a Giving
Individual to Make a Difference in the World

It takes a lot of local heroes to keep a community healthy. DCHA is hosting its first awards luncheon to celebrate and honor D.C. Health Heroes whose inspiring and extraordinary acts make the health and wellness of their community a better place. These special people are the quiet and dedicated yet unsung members of the community who are making a difference to improve the health and well-being in their own neighborhoods and across the City.

Please join us for our annual celebration of hospitals and to honor the spirit of giving at our inaugural Health Heroes Awards Luncheon. Health Heroes are nominated by D.C. Councilmembers to represent their respective wards and constituencies and come from a range of backgrounds, including health care providers, community activists, youth, elder advocates, business leaders, etc. Most importantly, the common denominator for all awardees is their demonstrated passion, commitment and dedication to promoting healthy communities. This event will lift your spirits and renew your faith in the power all of us have to make the world a better place.

Event Details
September 19, 2019
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Marriott Marquis
901 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20001

Event Flyer
Sponsor Information

DCHA Hosted First Meeting of the Mayor’s Commission on Healthcare Systems Transformations

DCHA was happy to host and be part of a thoughtful group of health care advocates serving on the Mayor’s Commission on Healthcare Systems Transformations. The first meeting on June 25 was a productive discussion of member priorities and concerns, along with approval of the bylaws. The Commission will consist of six subcommittees:

  1. Equitable Geographic Distribution of Acute, Urgent and Specialty Care
  2. Access to Critical Care and Urgent Care Services
  3. Emergency Room Overcrowding & General Reliance on Inpatient Hospital Care
  4. Allied Health Care Professionals
  5. Discharge Planning & Transitions to Care
  6. Value-Based Purchasing of Health Care Services

The Commission was established on June 3 to make recommendations to the Mayor on the strategies and investments necessary to transform health care delivery in the District of Columbia. The Commission’s work shall focus on developing recommendations that address the current stresses in the District’s health care system, while specifically targeting the following issues: improving access to primary, acute, and specialty care services, including behavioral health care; addressing health system capacity issues for inpatient, outpatient, pre-hospital and emergency room services; and promoting an equitable geographic distribution of acute care and specialty services in communities east of the Anacostia river.

Meeting minutes from June 25, 2019

DC Hospitals Improve State Rankings for HAI Measures

Члены DCHA создали Качественное сотрудничество (QC) in the last quarter of 2017 to provide an advisory role to support District hospitals in their collective pursuit to become a recognized leader in high quality, safe and innovative patient care. The QC includes a core committee and workgroup structure to identify best practices and facilitate performance improvement activities. The QC is proud to announce that DC hospitals, through the leadership and collaboration of the Infectious Disease/ Infection Prevention (IDIP) Committee, have improved their state rankings significantly in three healthcare-associated infection (HAI) measures.

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DCHA’s Vision for Expanding Access and Ensuring Sustainability of the Health Care System on the City’s East End

The District of Columbia Hospital Association released a position paper outlining its vision for a health care system on the city’s East End. The document outlines our views and highlights the aspects we believe are critical to making health services for residents of Wards 7 & 8 sustainable. We have been very clear that a new acute care facility is not the cure all for the health system on the East End. The solution must encompass a hub model where specialists, primary care doctors, acute and sub-acute services work in concert to ensure that the system is all encompassing.

Press Release

Vision for Access and Sustainability

Infographic: Say This, Not That When Discussing Opioid or Substance Use Disorders

Words are powerful. They can contribute to stigma and create barriers to accessing effective treatment. Use first-person language and focus on the person, not the disorder.  Here’s a helpful tool to use when discussing opioid or other substance use disorders.

Download Say This, Not That Infographic

Infographic: Hospital Investment Report

DC Hospitals Deliver More Than Medicine
DC hospitals are a driving force in community and economic development for the District of Columbia and beyond. Download and share this infographic to promote the benefits of hospitals-beyond just delivering medicine and care. The investment report highlights DC hospital contributions to uncompensated care, charity care, bad debt, community improvement projects, health professionals education, capital improvement projects, payroll and benefits and more.

Download Infographic

One Organ Donor Can Save Up to Eight Lives

One Organ Donor Can Save Up to Eight Lives
Organ, eye and tissue donation is one of the most generous and incredible acts that a person can do. It can have such a positive and profound impact on not only the people whose lives are saved, but their families, friends and communities. So, it’s important to know the process and understand how it works. Just last year, more than 35,000 patients were helped thanks to benevolent donors in the Metro DC area.

Please feel free use and share the infographic and social media graphics about the organ donor process. If you need other graphics, contact Jen Hirt.

Twitter Graphic
Facebook Graphic
LinkedIn Graphic

Награды за безопасность и качество пациентов 2020 г.

DC hospitals work every day to deliver compassionate, quality and safe patient care. DCHA is honored to highlight the incredible work of our member hospitals and their champions through a generous contribution from Ascension. DCHA will present awards to one clinical professional and one non-clinical professional who demonstrate a commitment to delivering better outcomes, driving improvement, strengthening care and engaging stakeholders. Awards will be presented at DCHA’s Patient Safety & Quality Summit on June 4.
Each winner receives $2,500. Deadine is April 17.

Start Your Nomination


© 2025. District of Columbia Hospital Association.