Join the Walk to Wellness Step Challenge

The Healthy Hospital Initiative has launched a Walk to Wellness Step Challenge for all hospital and health care workers in the District. Dust of your shoes and walk for your wellness and to win! Join your colleagues from across the District for a friendly competition to improve your health and well-being — and to start a healthily habit. It’s easy, just sign up, download the app and start walking. You can walk as an individual or gather your co-workers to create a team of up to eight.


  • 4-week challenge: January 16 to February 12, 2023
  • Join as an individual; award is $250
  • Join as a team of 4-8 people; team award is up to $2,000 depending on team size
  • Receive a Healthy Hospital Initiative fanny pack with water bottle holder when you register
  • Participants must stay active for all four weeks to be eligible to receive a prize
  • The individual and team with the most steps will be awarded the winner

DCHA Hiring Senior Health Care Data Analyst

The role of the Senior Data Analyst is to foster the work of the Association and the Association’s members through complex data exploration, analytics program design, analytics and reporting in support of priorities for improvement and strategic goals. The Senior Health Data Analyst is also responsible for participation in the identification, collection, analysis, visualization, monitoring and reporting of industry data, statistics and related information which will enhance the Association’s ability to serve its members.

DCHA Hiring Fiscal & Grants Coordinator

The Finance and Grants Coordinator is responsible for fostering the work of the Association and the Association’s members through the management of fiscal activities associated with grant programs and operational systems.

Know Where to Go Before You Go: ER vs. Urgent Care vs. 911 vs. Primary Care

How do you decide between calling 911, going to the ER, urgent care or your primary care provider? When you’re sick or injured, deciding where to go at that time is the last thing you want to worry about. Understanding your options now will make those decisions easier when you need care.

Your primary care doctor is the best place to start if you are sick. They know your health history, medication and allergies. They also know if this problem is recurrent and what has been done in the past.  They may want to refer you to a specialist if these problems continue to occur.  If however, you get sick or injured when your doctor’s office is closed or the office is booked and they can not take care of you that day then you have to choose where to go.  You will save time and money by going to the urgent care instead of an emergency room for non-life threatening problems.  Urgent care is not a substitute for the emergency department.  In general, an emergency condition is one that can permanently impair or endanger your life.

For any Medical Problem that is Life-Threatening–Dial 911 Immediately 

The ambulance will be able to start your care immediately and take you to the closest emergency department. ER visits should be reserved for true emergencies. They have the widest range of services for emergency care, including special diagnostic tests and access to specialists. That specialized care also makes it the most expensive type of care. And you may have longer wait times to get treated if your problem is not life threatening.


Resiliency Educational Sessions

DCHA is sponsoring a webinar series, powered by the Maryland Healthcare Education Institute (MHEI), to support wellness and resiliency among our hospitals.

Compassion & Civility
As leaders and staff, you may be interacting with patients, families and visitors who seem a little more impatient and a tad more demanding. Maybe as leaders and staff we are even more impatient and demanding with each other. This session provides an opportunity to reset expectations among employees as well as strategies to address incivility coming from patients, families, and visitors.

Self-Care & Well-Being
Compassionate care starts with self-care and well-being. This session explores the value in taking care of self and strategies for well-being that can positively impact physical, social, and career well-being.

Hospitais com piores margens desde o início da pandemia

Especialistas do Kaufman Hall disseram que 2022 está se tornando o pior ano financeiramente para hospitais e sistemas de saúde dos EUA desde o início da pandemia de COVID-19. Hospitais e sistemas de saúde tiveram reduções na receita ambulatorial e no tempo de sala de cirurgia e aumentos no tempo de internação de junho a julho, de acordo com o relatório mais recente de Kaufman Hall. Relatório Flash do Hospital Nacional lançado ontem. Os hospitais contrataram de forma mais agressiva em julho, mas a mão de obra ainda estava em alta demanda e os preços subiram de acordo. Os pacientes mais doentes também ficaram mais tempo no hospital, aumentando os custos. O relatório também afirmou que um número crescente de pacientes continua a escolher centros ambulatoriais em vez de ambientes hospitalares para procedimentos cirúrgicos, o que é um “sinal de uma mudança maior para atendimento ambulatorial e novas maneiras de acessar cuidados fora do hospital”.

Quer responder à crise dos opióides? Combata o estigma, diz o treinador de pares

À medida que as comunidades em todo o país lidam com a crise dos opiáceos e os perigos do fentanil, quem quiser ajudar deve trabalhar para combater o estigma e os equívocos. Os treinadores de pares fazem parte de um programa de apoio à recuperação de pares lançado no início de 2020 e financiado pelo DCHA e pelo Departamento de Saúde Comportamental do DC. O programa apoia uma iniciativa do provedor Medicaid AmeriHealth Caritas que visa conectar as pessoas a serviços de tratamento e apoio. Os treinadores são treinados em parte por meio de um programa da cidade para certificar especialistas que são “bem-sucedidos no processo de recuperação e que ajudam outras pessoas que vivem com transtornos mentais e/ou por uso de substâncias”.

Hospitais de DC vencem concurso de culinária da Iniciativa do Hospital de Saúde

A DCHA Program Services Company, Inc, braço sem fins lucrativos da Associação Hospitalar do Distrito de Columbia, premiou seus segundos vencedores do Concurso de Culinária da Iniciativa Hospitalar Saudável, reconhecendo equipes e indivíduos excepcionais por seus melhores pratos saudáveis.

“Estamos muito satisfeitos em reconhecer e celebrar indivíduos e equipes por trabalharem para tornar a comida hospitalar saudável e deliciosa para pacientes, funcionários e a comunidade”, disse Jacqueline D. Bowens, presidente e CEO da DCHA, “Esses hospitais e chefs fizeram pratos de dar água na boca provando que a saúde é possível, esteja você cozinhando para um ou 100.”

Os Prêmios da Competição de Culinária da Iniciativa Hospitalar Saudável de 2022 foram concedidos aos seguintes hospitais e indivíduos:                                                                                                                             

Instituto Psiquiátrico de Washington: Vencedor Geral

  • Chef Kevin Brown

Instituto Psiquiátrico de Washington: Melhor acompanhamento

The George Washington University Hospital: Melhor entrada

Hospital Nacional de Reabilitação MedStar: Melhor Sobremesa

Todos os pratos usavam mirtilos, o ingrediente secreto, para tornar seus pratos únicos, criativos e deliciosos. Os vencedores receberam troféus e, o mais importante, têm o direito de se gabar de qual hospital tem a comida mais deliciosa.


A Healthy Hospital Initiative é uma parceria entre a DCHA Program Services Company, Inc. e a DC Health para reduzir a disponibilidade e consumo de bebidas açucaradas e ingestão de sódio, e para promover escolhas mais saudáveis nos hospitais distritais.

© 2025. District of Columbia Hospital Association.