تسعى المستشفيات المتخصصة جاهدة نحو رعاية أفضل وتجارب أفضل ونتائج أفضل

DCHA Quality Showcase-Specialty Hospital Edition

D.C. hospitals adopted a resolution of commitment to foster a culture of quality and patient safety that drives positive health outcomes for patients, staff and the community. We at DCHA are proud to be involved in facilitating collaborative actions and convening community stakeholders to drive improvement across the District of Columbia and the region.

We celebrate the work of our members, in this edition specifically showcasing D.C. specialty hospitals in improving patient safety and health care quality through innovative practices that disrupt the status quo. The works and successes presented in this publication represent the dedication of D.C. health care leaders to continuously strive toward better care, better experiences, and better outcomes for those we serve.

This issue, devoted to D.C. specialty hospitals, features stories from:

  • BridgePoint Hospital Capitol Hill: Improving Quality of Life…One Goal at a Time!
  • MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital: Collaboration Program Strengthens Patient Medication Literacy at Discharge
  • St. Elizabeths Hospital: Making a Difference with Positive Behavior Support
  • MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital: Tackling the Issue of Pain Management
  • St. Elizabeths Hospital: Creative Arts Therapies: Bridging Consumer and Community
  • Psychiatric Institute of Washington: Partnerships in Care Coordination: Addressing Readmissions and the Opioid Epidemic
  • MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital: Adaptive Yoga: Tool for Recovery in Rehabilitation
  • St. Elizabeths Hospital: Teaching Our Next Generation of Clinicians to Be Culturally Competent
  • Trusted Health Plan: Integrated Care With a Person-Centered Touch: Wellness Within Reach


© 2024. District of Columbia Hospital Association.