DCHA is Hiring Executive Assistant to President & CEO and Liaison to the Board of Directors

Come work for an outstanding association and team at the جمعية مستشفى مقاطعة كولومبيا as Executive Assistant to the President & CEO and Liaison to the Board of Directors. The District of Columbia Hospital Association has, for almost 45 years, worked to advance the missions of the hospitals and health systems of the District of Columbia by promoting policies and initiatives that strengthen the system of care, preserve access and promote better health outcomes for the patients and communities they serve. The Executive Assistant provides high-level administrative support to the President and CEO of the DC Hospital Association and serves as the key staff liaison to the DCHA Board of Directors. The Executive Assistant is responsible for managing the Executive office’s daily operations, coordinating communications, assisting with Board planning and activities, and ensuring smooth organizational functions. The role requires exceptional organizational, communication, writing, and multitasking abilities.

DCHA is Hiring Senior Program Manager, Emergency Management

Come work for an outstanding association and team at the جمعية مستشفى مقاطعة كولومبيا as Senior Program Manager, Emergency Management. The District of Columbia Hospital Association has, for almost 45 years, worked to advance the missions of the hospitals and health systems of the District of Columbia by promoting policies and initiatives that strengthen the system of care, preserve access and promote better health outcomes for the patients and communities they serve. The role of the Senior Program Manager, Emergency Management is to lead and coordinate the important work of the Association and its members surrounding emergency preparedness and response. The Senior Program Manager will work with Association leadership and staff, in coordination with District agencies to identify and execute opportunities to build member value by strengthening existing plans, policies and procedures, supporting training and exercises related to emergency management and preparedness.

July 2024 Utilization Report

يسلط الضوء
All except one of the focus utilization metrics saw an increase in volumes going from June to July 2024 compared to 2020 pre-COVID baselines. Ambulatory surgeries present the biggest jump in numbers going from -6% below the baseline in June, to 3% over the baseline in July. Comparably, acute care admissions changed going from -18% below the baseline in June to -16% in July, Emergency Department visits went from -28% to -25%, and psychiatric admissions increased in volumes going from -31% in June to -28% in July. Observation admissions is the sole metric with declining volumes going from 1% above baseline in June to -13% in July (see Fig.1 below).


Looking at observation admissions it is important to note that although there has been less variation over the past few months and volumes have recovered compared to the height of the pandemic, recent volumes have decline and gone below the median this month as shown in Fig. 2.



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June 2024 Utilization Report

يسلط الضوء
A decline in volumes was noted across most utilization metrics in June 2024. Acute Care admissions, psychiatric admissions and civil commitment admissions show their lowest volumes in the past 15 months as depicted in Tables 2, 7 and 8 of the full report, respectively. Ambulatory surgeries, observation admissions and emergency department admissions also present a decline in volume this month compared to 2020 baseline as shown in Fig. 1 below.


Although reduced variation in specialty admissions has been seen over the past few months, volumes show a decline this month and remain below the median for the third consecutive month as depicted in Fig. 2 below. The same reduction in variation is observed for psychiatric admissions over the past few months though a significant decline in volume is noted this month as shown in Fig. 3 below. This is the lowest volume observed in the past 15 months. A shift below the median was also observed from 2nd quarter 2022 – 2nd quarter 2023 in Fig. 1. Although some recovery to pre-COVID volumes has been observed over the past several years, both figures show the impact continuing impact of the volume declines following the COVID emergency.



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DCHA is Hiring Director of Workforce Development


The District of Columbia Hospital Association has, for almost 45 years, worked to advance the missions of the hospitals and health systems of the District of Columbia by promoting policies and initiatives that strengthen the system of care, preserve access and promote better health outcomes for the patients and communities they serve. The role of the Director, Workforce Development is to assist in executing the Association’s strategic workforce priorities, including managing the work of the DC Health Care Workforce Partnership as a workforce intermediary.


See Job Description & Apply

VA Whole Health Approach to Care Supports Health and Well-Being

VA Whole Health is a cutting-edge approach to care that supports your health and well-being. Whole Health centers around what matters to patients, not what is the matter with patients. This means the VA health team gets to know patients as people before developing a personalized health plan that is based on values, needs and goals. The Whole Health program offers:


Sustainable Growth Makes Us Stronger Together: DEI at Children’s National

This year’s report from Children’s National highlights the DEI Program’s progress and leadership’s unwavering commitment in spite of anti-DEI headwinds at the national level. It also captures the many ways the hospital is reaching beyond the four walls to share the lessons learned with other children’s hospitals and health systems that are on their own equity-focused journeys.  The repot focuses on the 10 target areas to measure equity in care (see graphic below).



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Electronic Advance Care Planning Platform


DCHA is partnering with the DC Department of Health Care Finance/CRISP DC to provide our hospitals with access to an electronic advance care planning platform aimed at improving staff workflow and supporting the quality of patient care.

MyDirectives for Clinicians Integrated in the CRISP DC HIE
This user-friendly platform allows health care providers to create, upload, and view new digital advance care planning forms whenever and wherever they are needed across all patient care teams with access to the DC HIE. Advance care planning forms available through the platform include DC MOST, National POLST, Psychiatric Advance Directive and Universal Advance Digital Directive.

How MyDirectives for Clinicians Improves the Quality of Patient Care

  • All care teams, including ambulatory providers, will have access to patients’ current care planning goals, objectives, and decisions across future, urgent, and end-of-life care.
  • Facilitates care that is more personalized and aligned with the patient’s preferences and priorities.
  • Enables smooth transitions between different care settings as all providers are aware of the patient’s care plans.
Learn More About Advance Care Planning

Presentation Recordings from Opioid Response Symposium Available

The presentation recordings are available for viewing and downloading from the 2024 Opioid Response Symposium, held virtually on August 5-7.

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© 2025. District of Columbia Hospital Association.