DC Hospitals Improve State Rankings for HAI Measures

قام أعضاء DCHA بإنشاء ملف الجودة التعاونية (QC) in the last quarter of 2017 to provide an advisory role to support District hospitals in their collective pursuit to become a recognized leader in high quality, safe and innovative patient care. The QC includes a core committee and workgroup structure to identify best practices and facilitate performance improvement activities. The QC is proud to announce that DC hospitals, through the leadership and collaboration of the Infectious Disease/ Infection Prevention (IDIP) Committee, have improved their state rankings significantly in three healthcare-associated infection (HAI) measures.

اقرأ القصة كاملة



DCHA’s Vision for Expanding Access and Ensuring Sustainability of the Health Care System on the City’s East End

The District of Columbia Hospital Association released a position paper outlining its vision for a health care system on the city’s East End. The document outlines our views and highlights the aspects we believe are critical to making health services for residents of Wards 7 & 8 sustainable. We have been very clear that a new acute care facility is not the cure all for the health system on the East End. The solution must encompass a hub model where specialists, primary care doctors, acute and sub-acute services work in concert to ensure that the system is all encompassing.

Press Release

Vision for Access and Sustainability

Infographic: Say This, Not That When Discussing Opioid or Substance Use Disorders

Words are powerful. They can contribute to stigma and create barriers to accessing effective treatment. Use first-person language and focus on the person, not the disorder.  Here’s a helpful tool to use when discussing opioid or other substance use disorders.

Download Say This, Not That Infographic

Infographic: Hospital Investment Report

DC Hospitals Deliver More Than Medicine
DC hospitals are a driving force in community and economic development for the District of Columbia and beyond. Download and share this infographic to promote the benefits of hospitals-beyond just delivering medicine and care. The investment report highlights DC hospital contributions to uncompensated care, charity care, bad debt, community improvement projects, health professionals education, capital improvement projects, payroll and benefits and more.

Download Infographic

One Organ Donor Can Save Up to Eight Lives

One Organ Donor Can Save Up to Eight Lives
Organ, eye and tissue donation is one of the most generous and incredible acts that a person can do. It can have such a positive and profound impact on not only the people whose lives are saved, but their families, friends and communities. So, it’s important to know the process and understand how it works. Just last year, more than 35,000 patients were helped thanks to benevolent donors in the Metro DC area.

Please feel free use and share the infographic and social media graphics about the organ donor process. If you need other graphics, contact Jen Hirt.

Twitter Graphic
Facebook Graphic
LinkedIn Graphic

2020 جوائز سلامة المرضى والجودة

تعمل مستشفيات العاصمة كل يوم لتقديم رعاية رحيمة وعالية الجودة وآمنة للمرضى. تتشرف DCHA بتسليط الضوء على العمل الرائع الذي تقوم به المستشفيات الأعضاء وأبطالها من خلال المساهمة السخية من Ascension. ستقدم DCHA جوائز إلى أخصائي سريري واحد ومختص غير إكلينيكي يُظهر التزامًا بتقديم نتائج أفضل ، وقيادة التحسين ، وتعزيز الرعاية وإشراك أصحاب المصلحة. سيتم تقديم الجوائز في قمة سلامة المرضى والجودة في DCHA في 4 يونيو.
يحصل كل فائز على $2،500. الموت هو 17 أبريل.

ابدأ ترشيحك


أسبوع التوعية بسلامة المرضى

This week is Patient Safety Awareness Week and DCHA salutes DC hospitals for keeping patients safe and our communities healthy.

The Joint Commission Suspends All Regular Surveying

The Joint Commission announced yesterday, March 16, that in light of President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency regarding COVID-19, they will not interfere with the work of hospitals to prepare and care for patients during this pandemic. The Joint Commission is suspending all regular surveying beginning March 16, 2020. At this time, the Commission does not have an anticipated restart date. All postponed survey events will occur once normal operations resume. If any organizations go past their accreditation due date, accreditation will be extended without disruption to their accreditation status. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has assured that Medicare payment status also will not be affected.

مركز موارد COVID-19

Visit the COVID-19 Resource Center daily as new resources, tools, guidance infographics and alerts are added throughout the day. Here’s a sampling of the resources you can find for health care providers, patients, caregivers and the general public.

DCHA COVID-19 Resource Center

لمقدمي الرعاية الصحية

  • إرشادات حول قيود زوار المستشفى
  • معايير العودة إلى العمل لموظفي الرعاية الصحية المصابين بفيروس كورونا المؤكد أو المشتبه به
  • COVID-19 Test Pricing
  • Waivers for Health Care Practitioners and Facilities: Licenses, Registrations, Certifications, Permits and Fees
  • AHA Letter to Surgeon General Regarding Elective Surgeries and COVID-19
  • Update on Testing and PPE Recommendations
  • Public Notice to COVID-19 Medicaid Providers
  • Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Patients with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19 in Healthcare Settings
  • Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) Requirements and Implications
  • إرشادات الصحة DC لمقدمي الخدمات
  • ASPR Healthcare Prepardeness Checklist and Planning Tool
  • إرشادات لتقييم المخاطر وإدارة الصحة العامة لموظفي الرعاية الصحية مع التعرض المحتمل في بيئة الرعاية الصحية للمرضى المصابين بـ COVID-19
  • CDC Interim Guidance for Healthcare Facilities
  • CDC Interim Guidance for Healthcare Professionals
  • قائمة مراجعة استعداد المستشفى
  • قائمة مراجعة استعداد مقدمي الرعاية الصحية

For Patients & Caregivers
CareFirst Announcement of New Coverage
الأسئلة الشائعة حول فيروس كورونا المستفيد من برنامج Medicaid
الفوائد من دي سي هيلث لينك للتأمين
هل تعرضت لـ COVID-19؟
أوقفوا وصمة العار
منتجات مكافحة COVID-19

معلومات عامة
Social Distancing Guidance
مواقع الوجبات للطلاب
مواقع الوجبات لكبار السن
هل تعرضت لـ COVID-19؟
District Government Preparations for COVID-19
COVID-19 Situation Summary
CDC Guidelines
أسئلة مكررة
Fact Sheet

موارد الاتصال
نقاط الحديث
منتهكي أسطورة COVID-19
موارد الاتصال المجانية

We Are Proud of Our Nurses Who Work at DC Hospitals!

Dear Nurses,
You are dedicated.
You care.
You make a difference.
We honor you.


© 2025. District of Columbia Hospital Association.