注册 DCHA 新闻周刊通讯
Jacqueline D. Bowens 是 DCHA 的总裁兼首席执行官,也是该协会的董事会成员。她监督预算、工作人员和计划,并负责协会的立法宣传。 Jacqueline 是与联邦和地区政府、商界和美国医院协会的主要联络人。她领导的团队负责财务业务、运营、患者质量和安全、沟通、社区参与、拨款和立法关系。
Vice President, Public Policy & External Affairs
Justin J. Palmer 负责监督与哥伦比亚特区政府和国会山有关的活动,负责制定协会在医疗保健政策事务上的立场。 Palmer 先生目前负责监督协会的政府关系和基层宣传计划以及通信业务。他还支持总裁兼首席执行官开展与 DCHA 运营相关的活动。
电子邮件: jpalmer@dcha.org
Vice President, Finance & Administration
John Norman 负责监督协会的行政和财政活动,包括商务办公室管理和规划、拨款管理、人力资源管理、供应商关系、预算支持以及与总统特别活动的财务协调。 John 是 DCHA 董事会财务委员会的工作人员,并通过 DCHA 财务和运营委员会的工作人员领导,确保医院和成员 CFO、COO 和其他主要财务和运营人员在关键优先事项和新出现的问题上的参与和便利。
电子邮件: jnorman@dcha.org
Vice President, Patient Safety & Quality Operations
Gayle Michelle Olano Hurt 负责监督协会与患者安全和医疗保健质量相关的活动。她还负责监督协会的数据分析业务。
电子邮件: ghurt@dcha.org
Assistant Vice President, Communications & Member Engagement
Jennifer Hirt 负责协会的沟通和会员计划,帮助向媒体、意见领袖、影响者、决策者和消费者传播会员医院的重要工作。她是 DCHA 对其成员和潜在成员的重要沟通大使。 Jennifer 通过确保 DCHA 通过我们所有的接触点提供积极的体验来管理 DCHA 的活动和品牌。
电子邮件: jhirt@dcha.org
Senior Director, Maternal & Child Health Initiatives
Yolette Gray is responsible for providing leadership and execution for maternal and child health, such as the DC Perinatal Quality Collaborative, in conjunction with members, associate members and appropriate health care leaders in order to improve quality of and access to care. Yolette works closely with colleagues including those in analytics, communications, community, and policy/advocacy roles to support priorities for improvement and strategic goals.
电子邮件: ygray@dcha.org
Director, Patient Safety & Quality Initiatives
Eden Cunningham 负责通过与质量合作和核心委员会的协调和支持来促进协会和协会成员的工作。 Eden 促进讨论并提供一个论坛,用于共享信息和确定围绕各种质量计划的解决方案。她与委员会合作,致力于评估质量故事,以分享我们成员医院的成功、改进和成就。
电子邮件: ecunningham@dcha.org
Senior Health Care Data Analyst
Hiwot Sauer is responsible for data management, analytics, visualization and reporting, measure development and statistical techniques in support of priorities for improvement and strategic goals. She provides leadership through participation in the identification, collection, analysis, monitoring and reporting of industry data, statistics, and related information for the Association’s quality and patient safety collaborative efforts.
电子邮件: hsauer@dcha.org
Ebony 管理与赠款计划和运营系统相关的财政活动。在这个职位上,她与协会合作,解决所有赠款计划的日常财政问责需求,并确定/实施需要改进的领域。
电子邮件: egilreath@dcha.org
Project Manager - DC Perinatal Quality Collaborative
Stephanie leads the management of projects, data analytics, and liaison activities in support of priorities for improvement and strategic goals of the DC Perinatal Quality Collaborative.
电子邮件: sayala@dcha.org
Data Analyst
Annette Kotna 负责数据探索、分析和报告,以支持改进和战略目标的优先事项。她通过参与行业数据、统计数据和相关信息的识别、收集、分析、监测和报告,为协会的质量和患者安全协作工作提供支持。
电话: 202-682-1585 | 电子邮件: akotna@dcha.org
Executive Assistant to the President & CEO, Board Liaison
Brenda Watson is the Executive Assistant to the President & CEO and Board Liaison. Brenda works with the Board of Directors, leads office operations, coordinates internal and external meetings and serves as the association liaison to hospital executive assistants.
电子邮件: bwatson@dcha.org
Project Coordinator - Opioid Response
Alicea will lead the management of projects, data analytics, and liaison activities in support of priorities for improvement and strategic goals.
电子邮件: aolascoaga@dcha.org
Project Coordinator
Gisel is responsible for fostering the work of the Association and the Association’s members through management of assigned projects, data analytics, and liaison activities in support of priorities for improvement and strategic goals. This role will support our member hospital improvement activities focused on health information exchange and interoperability.
电子邮件: gsuarez@dcha.org
Project/Office Coordinator
Jana will foster the work of the assigned Collaboratives such as the District’s Perinatal Quality Collaborative, as well as the Association and the Association’s members, through coordination of activities to support collaborative priorities and operational administrative needs.
电子邮件: jalchoubassi@dcha.org
Jacqueline D. Bowens 是 DCHA 的总裁兼首席执行官,也是该协会的董事会成员。她监督预算、工作人员和计划,并负责协会的立法宣传。 Jacqueline 是与联邦和地区政府、商界和美国医院协会的主要联络人。她领导的团队负责财务业务、运营、患者质量和安全、沟通、社区参与、拨款和立法关系。
~ Governance
~ Financial Performance & Viability
~ Organization Mission & Strategy
~ Organization Operations
~ Health Care Landscape & Industry Developments
~ Stakeholder, Government & Public Communications