Resiliency Educational Sessions

DCHA is sponsoring a webinar series, powered by the Maryland Healthcare Education Institute (MHEI), to support wellness and resiliency among our hospitals.

Compassion & Civility
As leaders and staff, you may be interacting with patients, families and visitors who seem a little more impatient and a tad more demanding. Maybe as leaders and staff we are even more impatient and demanding with each other. This session provides an opportunity to reset expectations among employees as well as strategies to address incivility coming from patients, families, and visitors.

Self-Care & Well-Being
Compassionate care starts with self-care and well-being. This session explores the value in taking care of self and strategies for well-being that can positively impact physical, social, and career well-being.


Kaufman Hall 专家表示,自 COVID-19 大流行开始以来,2022 年将成为美国医院和卫生系统财务状况最糟糕的一年。根据考夫曼霍尔最近的报告,医院和卫生系统的门诊收入和手术室时间减少,住院时间从 6 月到 7 月增加。 国家医院快报 昨天发布。医院在 7 月份更积极地招聘,但劳动力需求仍然很高,价格也相应上涨。病情较重的患者在医院的停留时间也更长,从而推高了成本。该报告还指出,越来越多的患者继续选择门诊中心而不是医院进行外科手术,这是“向门诊护理和医院外获得护理的新方式更大转变的标志”。


随着全国各地的社区应对阿片类药物危机和芬太尼的危险,任何想要提供帮助的人都必须努力消除污名和误解。同伴教练是 2020 年初启动的同伴康复支持计划的一部分,该计划由 DCHA 和 DC 行为健康部资助。该计划支持医疗补助提供者 AmeriHealth Caritas 的一项倡议,旨在将人们与治疗和支持服务联系起来。教练部分通过一项城市计划接受培训,以认证“在康复过程中成功并帮助患有精神和/或物质使用障碍的其他人”的同行专家。

DC 医院赢得健康医院倡议烹饪比赛

哥伦比亚特区医院协会的非营利机构 DCHA Program Services Company, Inc 授予其第二届健康医院倡议烹饪比赛的获胜者,以表彰杰出的团队和个人提供的最佳健康菜肴。

DCHA 总裁兼首席执行官 Jacqueline D. Bowens 表示:“我们非常高兴地表彰和庆祝个人和团队为患者、员工和社区提供健康美味的医院食品,这些医院和厨师制作了令人垂涎的菜肴证明健康是可能的,无论你是为 1 人还是 100 人做饭。”



  • 厨师凯文布朗



MedStar 国家康复医院:最佳甜点



健康医院倡议是 DCHA Program Services Company, Inc. 和 DC Health 之间的合作伙伴关系,旨在减少含糖饮料的供应和消费和钠摄入量,并促进地区医院的更健康选择。

DCHA 宣布 2022 年患者安全与质量奖得主

6 月 8 日,DCHA 颁发了 2022 年患者安全与质量奖,以表彰参加 DCHA 第三届海报比赛的两名杰出人士和七支团队。这些个人和团队在 DCHA 第五届年度患者安全和质量峰会上获得认可。

DCHA 总裁兼首席执行官 Jacqueline D. Bowens 表示:“我们非常高兴地表彰和庆祝个人和团队每天为患者和家属不懈地工作,我们对医院工作人员的牺牲表示衷心的感谢,并向他们致敬。他们的弹性,因为我们仍在应对这一流行病。他们的努力帮助我们为华盛顿特区的居民建立更好的医疗保健系统做好准备。”

2022 年患者安全与质量奖授予以下个人和团队:


  • Elizbeth Gardner,肿瘤科护士 MedStar华盛顿医院中心,以表彰她通过与临床团队合作以及她致力于降低风险和增加安全行为的工作,帮助医院实现 79% 减少严重安全事件的不懈努力。
  • Richard Verstraete,护士协调员, MedStar 乔治敦大学医院,以表彰他在建立血液保护文化和迎接挑战在全国血液短缺期间照顾没有输血的患者以及降低孕产妇健康患者的贫血风险方面所做的重要工作。


  • 金子: 乔治华盛顿大学医院, 六西格码对口头命令流程和患者安全绩效改进的影响
  • 银: 国立儿童医院, 定制的触发程序:三级护理儿童医院体验
  • 银: 乔治华盛顿大学医院, 迎接挑战:减少减肥手术患者的阿片类药物使用
  • 青铜: MedStar 乔治敦大学医院, 指导阿片类药物安全:减少住院患者的阿片类药物诱导的过度镇静事件
  • 青铜: MedStar 国家康复医院, 解决员工福祉,支持弹性
  • 青铜: MedStar华盛顿医院中心, 减少警报疲劳

得益于 Ascension 的支持,个人获胜者获得了 $2,500 的奖金,金牌团队获得者获得了 $5,000 的奖励,银奖获得者获得了 $2,500 的奖励。获奖者由来自医疗保健行业的独立评委组成。

2022质量展示 通过海报和视频演示突出获胜的团队成员。


2022 年阿片类药物反应研讨会录音可用

DCHA 2022 年阿片类药物反应研讨会的所有会议都可供观看 这里.


  • 该地区的阿片类药物数据趋势
  • 医院如何解决 SUD 污名和偏见
  • 污名和生存——通过艺术媒介赋予受害者、证人和幸存者身份
  • 以医院为基础的减害区域最佳实践
  • 照顾有物质使用障碍的特殊人群的创新方法



五月是庆祝和纪念在过去几年中做出巨大牺牲的医院、医护人员和护士的月份。护士是医疗保健的核心,医院帮助奇迹发生!哥伦比亚特区医院协会热爱我们的 DC 医疗保健社区!

每天,超过 30,000 名敬业的医疗保健专业人员前往华盛顿特区的医院工作。感谢所有努力照顾我们的英雄——无论如何!

#医院自豪 #N护士周


XFERALL 行为健康合作方法和 988 危机

For decades, it has been commonly understood that individuals experiencing a medical emergency shouldn’t wait for treatment. Treatment guidelines for individuals experiencing heart attacks, strokes and traumatic injuries prioritize rapid response. The medical community refers to the “golden hour” — the 60 minutes within which an injured or sick person should receive definitive treatment from the time of injury or onset of symptoms. If care is delayed beyond this hour, the risk of serious, long-term complications or death significantly increases. New systems of care, often regionalized, emerged to ensure that no precious time is lost in transporting, stabilizing, treating, and transferring patients.

Yet, for people experiencing a psychiatric or substance use emergency, a similar urgency coupled with system change hasn’t prevailed. Even in 2022, too many hospitals, crisis teams, first responders, and others needing to get people into behavioral health treatment quickly must rely on outdated, manual processes to locate clinically appropriate care, which cause critical delays in care. In their search for placement, clinicians are calling behavioral health facilities and programs one-by-one, leaving messages, faxing paperwork, and waiting for calls to be returned. The seemingly simple act of transferring a patient to behavioral health care is requiring clinicians to spend countless hours on repetitive administrative tasks that take them away from direct patient care.

The result is that, far too often, children, adolescents, and adults experiencing a behavioral health crisis wait hours or even days for placement in clinically appropriate therapeutic treatment. One study documents an average length of stay in the hospital emergency department for psychiatric admissions of 18 hours, compared to 5 hours for non-psychiatric admissions.1 Others have estimated average boarding times of between 6.8 hours and 34 hours for patients needing psychiatric treatment.2,3

Today, these wait times are likely even longer as the pandemic has made the ED boarding crisis worse in two ways. One, hospitals are at or beyond capacity with patients with COVID-19 and other serious physical conditions coupled with ever increasing staffing shortages. Two, the pandemic, and the associated anxiety, stress, and isolation, have contributed to an increased need for behavioral health care, particularly among children and adolescents. Children’s hospitals reportedly saw a 45 percent increase in pediatric self-injury and suicide cases between January and July 2021.4 In 2020, pediatric mental health-related hospital emergency department visits increased 24 percent for children ages 5-11 and 31 percent for older children and adolescents.5

XFERALL’s mission is to drastically save time for clinical staff and reduce the amount of time patients spend in EDs waiting for a transfer to the most appropriate care center by applying innovative technology solutions. The platform enables real- time communication so that clinicians needing to place a patient can request placement at as few or as many facilities as they choose; receive responses from facilities or programs that can accept and treat the patient; and share clinical information — all within minutes and within a single source. This coordinated approach allows caregivers and patients to be engaged in the decision-making process as well.

The District of Columbia Hospital Association and XFERALL, the nation’s leading mobile patient transfer platform, have entered a partnership that offers DC hospitals a new process for transferring acute and behavioral health patients to clinically appropriate health care facilities. To learn more, join us on May 10 for a free webinar, 行为健康患者转移和安置技术, and learn about this program and how it can support improving access for patients in crisis.

XFERRAL Webinar Graphic

1 Nicks BA, Manthey DM. The impact of psychiatric patient boarding in emergency departments. Emerg Med Int 2012; 2012: 360308.

2 Weiss AP, Chang G, Rauch SL, et al. Patient and practice-related determinants of emergency department length of stay for patients with psychiatric illness. Ann Emerg Med. 2012;60(2):162–71.

3 Tuttle GA. Access to psychiatric beds and impact on emergency medicine. Chicago, IL: Council on Medical Service, American Medical Association; 2008.

4 Pediatricians, Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists and Children’s Hospitals Declare National Emergency in Children’s Mental Health, October 19, 2021. Mental_Health

5 Ibid

© 2025. District of Columbia Hospital Association.